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21 … your rite of passage to adulthood … and what an amazing young man you are!

Thank you for choosing us to be your family - we know how incredibly lucky we are.

Ohhh you are SO loved and we are so proud of you Rio.

As parents, we are meant to be the ones to teach and guide you, but it often feels the opposite way round.

Thank you for the many life lessons and change in perspective that you have gifted us.

Thank you for the patience you give us, when we do not always get it right or do not always fully understand what you are trying to communicate; we can only imagine how annoying that must be.

As a young adult, we appreciate that we as your parents and that life and society must deeply frustrate you at times; but the humility, dignity and tolerance that you show and give to us and others, we will always admire.

Thank you for your humour … even in the moments of stress, you always still manage to find a reason to laugh … you prove we do not need words to have a sense of humour!

You always live fully in the moment … yesterdays worries or anger you have let go of; tomorrows plans are not relevant yet … you just embrace every given moment.

You have no filters in expressing exactly how you feel.

You know your life passions and stay committed to them.

You have an abundance of self-love and appreciation.

Why can’t we all be more like this?

There will always be a guilt on our side, for not being able to give you all that you deserve in life or at least give you a world to live in that is truly inclusive with equity (instead of a world that truly scares and shames us at times); but please know that we do our upmost best for you - personally as individuals and as a family, and, we try to do our bit to help create towards a more inclusive global community, that you (and others) deserve to be an equal part of and we don’t have to fear leaving you in it, when we are no longer here.

You deserve so much more than we can possibly give you or create.

What a man you have become Mr Rio Watson, we are so utterly proud!

Wishing you a day full of happiness, love, joy and experiences!

We love you Rio, always xxx

Dad, Mum and LittleXWolf

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