2022 was a tough year for Team AngelWolf not having our own transport. As a registered non profit foundation, we were not in a financial situation to be able to purchase a vehicle, but, transport is vital for all our work e.g races, community activities, Impact Talks etc, especially transporting our big equipment needed for inclusive participation; all to spread the mission of Inclusive Impactiivty.
We resorted to having to borrow friends pickup cars at weekends to be able to get to races with our equipment, which obviously was not feasible all the time, which meant we missed out on some great races. Thank you to friends that helped us out and saved us, many times.
As we desperately needed a long-term solution, we reached out to corporates to assist with the sponsorship of a vehicle for TAW. We are incredibly honoured and grateful to the following companies that came forward to help with sponsorship:
Lifco, Panzani, International Real Estate Partners IREP, Eurotech ME, Fairgreen International School, Valeo Wellbeing, ARGA & @jamalalshafar
Even with this amazing support, we were still short on the final price that we needed to get a long term, reliable and trusted vehicle (as we could not risk the financial upkeep on a vehicle that may break down), that could transport us and our equipment! We approached so many car brands to see if they could help support in sponsorship with the final part that we were missing, and to carry their brand name alongside Team AngelWolf, in the proud mission of Inclusive Impactivity. The ONLY car brand that came forward, and embraced the idea and the importance of TAW work was Mini, AGMC Dubai, BMW Group They said YES and they have been truly amazing!
So with the support of companies we named above and MINI, TAW have a Mini Countrymen, along with a custom made trailer (coming end of January) to fit all the inclusive equipment.
To all these companies THANK YOU for the trust, belief and embracing Inclusive Impactivity … you will never know how grateful we are!